Bicycle helmets, must for cyclists
250.000 đ
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How to wear a helmet:
1. Helmets must not be exposed to corrosive liquids (such as alcohol, natural water, glue, etc.).
2. After using the helmet, it is advisable to remove the helmet liner for cleaning or drying.
3. When cleaning, do not iron, do not dry and dry in a cool dry place.
4. After using the helmet, you must gently wipe the helmet with soft steps and place it in the box with duct tape.
5. Do not sit on a helmet or hit it with a hard object.
6. Do not scratch the helmet with a hard or sharp object, otherwise it may scratch the helmet surface.
Robust: PVC and PC, EPS foam material can safely and effectively minimize the impact of impact.
Safety: 54-62 cm adjustable seat belts and CPSC certification can protect your head and satisfy most cyclists' satisfaction.
Comfort: Special aerodynamic design allows air to circulate and stay cool while riding.
Light weight: The super lightweight helmet does not place any burden on the driver's head while riding.
Suitable: Headband 25 * 46 cm, can be used as a scarf, hat, scarf, etc., suitable for riding, running, skiing and other outdoor activities.
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